Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Strawberry Jam Cheesecake Shots

Serving size: 10 small shot glasses


10 digestive biscuits (any tea biscuits will do)
50 grams butter

1/2 tin condensed milk (big size)
1 tin nestle cream (or 1 cup plain cream)
150 grams cream cheese (10-12 cheese triangles @room temperature)
¼ cup strawberry jam
3 cups whipped cream

¼ cup strawberry jam

½ cup water

  1. For preparing the base, melt the butter and add it to the crushed biscuits. Set the biscuit crumbs in each shot glass or 1 big serving dish. Press the mixture evenly and tightly with help of a back of a glass and refrigerate till firm.
  2. In a separate bowl whip cream cheese, condensed milk, nestle cream and strawberry jam using a cake beater. Add in the whipped cream to the cheese mixture, this should be done with a ladle or big spoon and mix gently.
  3. Pour the cheese mixture into each shot glass and again set in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. Prepare the topping by cooking strawberry jam along with water till you get a thick strawberry sauce. Set aside and cool.
  5. Pour this sauce over the cheese cake and chill again in the refrigerator till it is served.

*To make whipped cream at home: First keep 2 cups full fat cream in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then pour into a mixing bowl and whip it by hand or using a cake beater till it becomes thick and peaks are formed. Then add 1 cup icing sugar and whip again till it is well combined.

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